Michigan Alliance of APEX Accelerators | About

Our Mission

The Michigan Alliance of APEX Accelerators (formerly Procurement Technical Assistance Centers (PTACs) of Michigan) is a nonprofit organization made up of ten offices located throughout the State. Their mission is to enhance national defense and economic development in the State of Michigan by assisting Michigan businesses in obtaining and performing on federal, state and local government contracts. Through their seminars, events, training and consultations, Michigan's APEX Accelerators help Michigan businesses succeed in the government marketplace.

Our services

What We Do


The APEX Accelerators (formerly PTACs) support our national security by ensuring a broad base of capable suppliers for the defense industry and other agencies, thereby increasing competition, which supports better products and services at lower costs.


APEX Accelerators (formerly PTACs) are the bridge between buyer and supplier, bringing the knowledge of both government contracting and the capabilities of contractors to maximize fast, reliable service to our government with better quality and at lower costs.


Our offices partner with universities, community colleges, local economic development corporations or other local institutions.


Every office is staffed with counselors experienced in government contracting and provides a wide range of services including classes and seminars, individual counseling and other information necessary to successfully compete for government contracts.


Our History

The APEX Accelerator (formerly Procurement Technical Assistance Program (PTAP) was authorized by Congress in 1985 in an effort to expand the number of businesses capable of participating in the government marketplace. APEX Accelerators are funded in part through a cooperative agreement with the Department of Defense (DoD), the Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC) and local funding partners.